If you have a tooth that is too damaged to support a filling, but not so damaged that it needs a crown, an inlay or onlay might be right for you. Sana Dental is pleased to offer this highly effective restoration option that repairs your teeth while restoring their natural look.
Your Edmonton Choice for Inlays and Onlays!

What Are Inlays And Onlays?

Inlays and onlays can be thought of as “internal crowns.” They are made from porcelain, and are designed to replace decayed tooth tissue, while preserving healthy tissue. They look natural, and are a strong restoration capable of withstanding the pressures of chewing and biting.
An inlay is essentially a custom made filling. It fills in hollows and cavities in areas between the cusps, encompassing mainly the chewing surface of your tooth. An inlay is often a preferred alternative to amalgam fillings, because less healthy tooth structure needs to be removed in the preparation. Inlays are also more conservative than crowns, highly durable, and can last many years if cared for properly. Porcelain is often the material of choice, but composite inlays are also available. The cost of a porcelain inlay can be a factor in deciding between the two. Porcelain inlays are made in a dental lab, and are permanently cemented into your tooth.
Onlays are more substantial reconstructions than inlays, and are used for larger restorations. They do more than just fill in cavities in areas of the chewing surface; they also extend out and cover one or more sides of the tooth. An onlay is also made of porcelain and fabricated in a dental lab. Both inlays and onlays can be matched to look like your natural teeth.
Why We Think Porcelain Beats Metal

While amalgam fillings have been the go-to filling material for large cavities for decades, there is another choice. The main problem with amalgam fillings is the nature of the material. Because metal expands and contracts under pressure, and with heat and cold, amalgam fillings can cause cracks in your teeth, or gaps to form between the filling and the remaining tooth. Either case opens the door for bacteria and decay to sneak in. The secondary problem is amalgam fillings do not blend in with the rest of your teeth. Dark and metallic looking, they detract from your smile.

Benefits of Inlays and Onlays

- Made from high quality material
- Durable and long lasting with proper care
- A great alternative to traditional fillings, which can reduce the strength of natural teeth by up to 50%. Inlays and onlays, which are bonded directly onto the tooth using special high-strength resins, can actually increase the strength of a tooth by up to 75%
- Can treat tooth decay while preserving the structure of your tooth
- Can eliminate tooth sensitivity
- Can restore teeth with a natural looking appearance, blending in seamlessly with the rest of your teeth.