Regardless of how committed you are to your oral health regime of brushing, flossing, and regular professional care, sometimes decay can sneak in and a cavity will form in your tooth. Cavities should be treated as soon as possible to avoid worsening or potentially leading to a root canal or extraction. When it comes to filling a cavity, Sana Dental is pleased to offer tooth-coloured white dental fillings.
Your Choice for Tooth Coloured Match Fillings Edmonton!

What is a Filling?

A dental filling is used to restore shape and function back to damaged or decayed teeth. When a cavity forms, the decayed or damaged tooth material must be removed. Once the decayed or damaged tooth material is removed, the affected area of the tooth is cleaned, and the cleaned-out cavity (or hole) is filled with a composite material or filling. At Sana Dental, we prefer tooth-coloured white dental fillings in North Edmonton AB.
Types Of Dental Fillings
Composite tooth-colored match fillings, or white fillings, are made of a blend of tooth-colored plastic and glass. In the early days, resin compound fillings were not deemed strong enough to withstand the high-pressure grinding and chewing of back teeth. Today, however, the materials used in what some call “metal-free fillings” have improved enough to allow the use of resin material in back teeth. Durable and color-matched to your existing teeth, white fillings blend in seamlessly with the rest of your teeth, so no one will even know you have a filling.
For larger problems, porcelain fillings, known as inlays or onlays, may be recommended. Porcelain is an extremely strong and stain-resistant material. Porcelain restorations are custom-made in a lab and then sent back to be fitted. Because of the extensive work and extra steps involved, porcelain fillings usually cost more than white or amalgam fillings. However, the result when using porcelain is stunning.
What Are the Benefits of White Fillings?

- White fillings are more aesthetically pleasing, as they can be matched to the colour of your natural teeth and blend in seamlessly with your natural teeth, making them virtually invisible.
- White fillings match many of the qualities of natural teeth, such as wear resistance and translucency, as well as strength and durability.
- White fillings provide a strong and stable bond to your teeth.
- White fillings do not contain mercury, which some people consider toxic
- While fillings can be used to treat even the smallest of cavities.

Should You Replace Your Old Metal Fillings?

When considering whether to replace your old metal fillings, we recommend considering a few factors:
- Cost: Replacing a metal filling does have a cost attached – one that your dental insurance may not cover.
- The drill factor: The removal of an old filling requires the often dreaded dental drill and, in some cases, the removal of healthy tooth structure.
- The state of the metal filling: If your old filling is in good shape, it may be a good idea to consider leaving it well enough alone.